Ambrose Treacy College

Blueprint for Success: Crafting Ambrose Treacy College's Strategic Plan

Ambrose Treacy College (ATC) is an independent Catholic primary and secondary school for boys, located in Indooroopilly, Brisbane.

Emerging from the challenges of COVID-19 and approaching its 10th anniversary, ATC recognised the need for a focused strategic plan as the school entered a stage of maturation.

In 2023, ATC commissioned Community Business Australia (CBA) to facilitate the development of its four-year strategic plan. CBA Principal Consultant, Patrick Herd, supported by Consultant Alicia Eugene, worked closely with the Principal, College Executives, the College Advisory Board, and the community through an extensive program of Stakeholder Forums.


  • ATC’s leadership considered it essential to actively involve all stakeholders to gather their feedback and secure their commitment to the strategic plan.
  • CBA undertook a process of thorough extensive community consultation – no small task with a school made up of over 1300 students across Years 4 to 12.
  • CBA leveraged existing mechanisms including surveys, meetings, and forums.
  • The entire process spanned most of the school year, ensuring a thorough and deliberate approach.


  • Developing the strategy from the ground up involved sourcing and synthesizing existing background data, allowing all stakeholders the opportunity to provide input.
  • The extensive consultation process culminated in key themes that shaped the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. As experienced consultants with specialised knowledge in facilitating strategic plans for schools, CBA provided an unbiased and informed approach that enabled dynamic discussions and summarised key insights. This approach respected the different voices involved and helped ATC identify key areas of need and opportunity, leading to agreement on strategic priorities.
  • Throughout the process, CBA ensured that all voices were heard at every level. The result is a strategic plan based on diverse perspectives. Involving all stakeholders fostered a sense of ownership and commitment, providing valuable insights that has led to more informed and effective decision-making.

“We are extremely happy with the process CBA led us through to develop Ambrose Treacy College’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. From day one, you listened carefully. You took the time to understand, then returned with insights and suggestions, which we discussed and refined together. As a principal, I aim to facilitate rather than dictate, and your process supported that. Key stakeholders had the opportunity to voice their opinions. Our community members already had strong commitment, but through this process, their buy-in became exceptional.”

Chris Ryan – Ambrose Treacy College Principal

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